Madita Dickhut
Madita Dickhut studied Psychology and Pedagogics at the University in Frankfurt, Germany. She worked at an experimental school connected with the University. She traveled to India, spent a long time at the Osho Ashram and began to practice meditation.
She became a Meditation Leader. A long training in DeHypnotherapy followed.
DeHypnotherapy is based on the presumption that us humans spend most of our daily life in a trance state by experiencing life according to our inner mental map of judging, editing,worrying, planning. Madita became fascinated by the idea to become the master of one’s mind. Only by living in the moment one can be conscious, live intelligently, and feel at peace.
On invitation by the mystic Osho she developed under his guidance the famous meditation “Reminding Yourself Of The Forgotten Language Of Talking To Your Body And Mind”. When Madita heard about NLP she went to America and was lucky to learn NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis from the pioneers of the field, by Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Chris Hall and Anthony Robbins.
Madita understands NLP as a brilliant tool of DeHypnotherapy, of waking up from our daily trances of conditioning, fearful beliefs and ideas. Not only that – NLP is a really practical coaching approach in teaching people to use their thinking processes in helpful ways, in ways that makes them resourceful, more self confident, more optimistic and capable to deal with their life situations in an intelligent and conscious way.
Being a Meditation Leader Madita believes that everything beautiful in life comes from an inner state of relaxation. In a state of stress there is no intelligence, no poetry, no love. Because stress in fear. Madita has also become a certified Laughter Yoga Leader. Because when you laugh there is no fear, you are totally in the moment and your intelligence grows. So the hallmark of her trainings and workshops is an atmosphere of caring and joy. Because only a relaxed and positive mind is really able and willing to learn.
Since many years now Madita travels the world, offering her trainings, workshops and coaching sessions. She is still fascinated by the complexity of the human mind and feels honored to share her skill of educating this mind in life enhancing ways.
With great interest Madita follows up the results of latest brain research, which confirms the value of trance work and of meditation. New synapses are being formed in the brain, making new ways of thinking possible. How you think you feel and how you feel you act. Madita is aware and wants to share that having a caring consciousness and living intelligently can create a happy and successful life.
Madita is Certified Trainer of the highly regarded “Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming USA”. Participants of Madita’s trainings get certified by the Society. This internationally acknowledged certification enables the student to continue studying NLP at any NLP institute in any country.
Magno Shavdia
Madita is leading two workshops together with her husband Magno Shavdia. Magno is Painter and Meditation Leader. The workshops they are leading together are “Chakra PAINTING – THE SEVEN COLORS OF LOVE”.
Together they also lead the “LAUGHTER YOGA NIDRA TRAINING”. In this training Magno guides the Laughter Yoga part and Madita the Yoga Nidra.
(see workshops and trainings)
About Magno
Magno Shavdia studied Mathematics and Art at the University of Tbilisi, Georgia. After teaching Mathematics he totally turnt to painting and worked as an artist. He discovered Yoga and Meditation.Since 1984 he is Osho’s Sannyasin. Magno travelled to India and in the Osho Meditation Resort he was trained as a Meditation leader.
Now Magno is based in Germany. From there he travels to many countries. He does painting exhibitions. He also offers Laughter Yoga workshops and trainings in Meditation and Yoga Centers as well as in Companies. In the Companies his work supports teamwork and a positive working climate. Magno’s Goal : „Bringing People Together In A Joyful, Positive Experience”.